Founder: The ap Owain Brothers (Finn, Fost, and Trystan)
House Leader: HRM Druss Wyndhaven

This is the Royal House of Gwynedd. The Monarch and Heir Apparent come from this House, and this House only.

Family Tree

Below is a tree of Wyndhavens by blood descended from Owain Wyndhaven. Wyndhavens adopted through squirely or swordbrotherly traditions are found below. ‘Ap’ means ‘son of’, and ‘ferch’ means ‘daughter of’. Entries appear twice when both parents of a member appear on this list.

    • Finn ap Owain
      • Owen ap Finn
        • Wil Scarlet
        • Schattenengel ap Owen
        • Zwei ap Owen
          • Taal ap Zwei
        • Druss ap Owen
        • Kaim ap Owen
        • Vixen ferch Owen
      • Wart ferch Finn
        • Druss ap Owen
        • Vixen ferch Owen
      • Lauda ferch Finn
        • Olwen ferch Lauda
        • Beaga ferch Lauda
      • Amythyn ferch Finn
      • Cotton ferch Finn
    • Fost ap Owain
    • Trystan ap Owain
      • Gwydion ap Trystan
    • Arielle ferch Owain

Knights and Squires of House Wyndhaven

  • Queen Rayne
    • Sir Trystan ap Owain (b. 1982) (Renounced)
      • Sir Llyr (b. 1986)
    • Sir Finn ap Owain (b. 1983)
      • Sir Owen ap Finn (b. 1989)
        • Sir Lorrymar Callahan (b. 1991)
          • Sir Curryn Callahan (b. 1996)
          • Sir Theas O’Nyne (b. 2000)
            • Sir Grogamyr the Oppugnant (b. 2010)
            • Squire Lovildren
            • Squire Adrianne
            • Sir Wolfgang ap Theas
          • Sir Zwei ap Owen (b. 2004)
            • Sir Detaru Lé Trout (b. 2010)
              • Squire Balian ap Theas
              • Squire Kiera ferch Johna
              • Squire Gideon
          • Sir Cerrydan (b. 2007)
            • Squire Guardian
            • Squire Anna ferch Cerrydan
            • Squire Hammsa
            • Squire Mace ap Cerrydan
            • Dame Silk (Marianthalasa) (b. 2011)
              • Squire Vali
              • Squire Grim
          • Squire Galen
        • Sir Johna (b. 1994)
          • Squire Lloyd
        • Sir Corbyn (b. 1998)
        • Sir Schattenengel ap Owen (b. 2001) (Deceased)
        • Sir Specter Taurendoris (b. 2006)
        • Sir Druss ap Owen (b. 2011)
        • Sir Taal ap Zwei Galatiae
        • Sir Vashala
        • Squire Vixen
      • Sir Jamethiel
    • Sir Steve

Kensmen and Swordbrothers of House Wyndhaven

For the most UpToDate Lineage follow this link – Kensmen Lineage – Google Sheets

Due to the exponential growth of the Kensmen, the link is updated after every event and as we continue to grow, tracking it on the live lineage is cleaner and quicker.

    • Kensmen Balynar the Elder (House Tyr)
      • Kensmen Osgar (House Redd)
        • Kensmen Thorvald the Redd (House Redd)
          • Kensmen Mordok ap Kerrigan (House Diamond Dog)
            • Kensmen Trystan Wyndhaven 1987
              • Kensmen Owen Wyndhaven 1992
                • Kensmen Daemas Wyndhaven 1993
              • Arundoor
                • Swordbrother Bragulgurth
                • Swordbrother Brukland
              • Adon
                • Swordbrother Aard
                • Swordbrother Testo
              • Ulyanov Iaroslavich
              • Fester (it means ‘to rot’)
              • Ludwig von Wyndhaven
            • Karuk
              • Swordbrother Barry